Victorian Day
June 2024
What an amazing day! The children, and staff, looked wonderful and fully involved themselves in all of the Victorian activities happening around the school. There were traditional games to play, sewing practice to be done and drill to be completed. The children learnt the national anthem, attempted Victorian writing and explored authentic artefacts. They also investigated clothing and produced some beautiful decoupage artwork. It was a busy day and produced some lovely memories that they will remember for a long time.
Year One Coding Workshops
April 2024
Our Year Ones were excited to invite their grown ups into school to work collaboratively and explore the exciting world of coding through using the app, 'Scratch Junior'. The app is free to download on most android and ios devices so you can have fun coding at home too!
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Cheque Presentation
April 2024
Having raised a staggering £3,137.66 for the charity through our dressing up day, cake sale and sponsored scoot event, we were really excited to welcome Richard back into school to give him our cheque. He explained that each flight costs £2,000 so our money was enough to hopefully help save the life of at least one person. Richard brought along two special guests; firstly Stephen, who had been a patient very badly injured in an accident, and rescued by the Great Western Air Ambulance team, who had shown tremendous Emerald Power in his determination to recover and secondly, Charlie Bear (the GWAAC mascot) who created a great amount of excitement when he came into assembly to thank the children.
Springtime Fun
March 2024
Year Two had a very cute reminder that Spring has sprung, even if no one has told the weather just yet! The children spent a fun afternoon meeting the lambs, chicks and ducklings that came to visit them. What a super way to enjoy the end of a busy term!
The Really Wild Reading Festival and World Book Day
February 2024
Everyone had a great time during the Really Wild Reading Festival week and all the children looked brilliant in their cosy clothes on World Book Day! We had lots of fun getting cosy and reading some lovely stories with our friends. Over the course of the week we enjoyed lots of different stories, reading activities and a brilliant book quiz on Friday. The winners of the quiz will be announced soon! We even met the real life authors (either in person or via the wonders of the internet) of some of our favourite books. All the children have come home with a book voucher, don’t forget to visit your local bookshop to spend it.
Pastor David Crunkhurn Assembly
February 2024
Pastor David came along with his puppet dog this week to lead an assembly for the whole school. He told us the Christian story of 'The Creation' and spoke about how our planet was a wonderful gift. He then helped us to think about how we could show our thanks. We decided that leaving litter around was not a kind, 'Ruby Powered' way to look after our planet and that keeping planet Earth clean and tidy was a super way to show how grateful we are.
Charity Cake Competition
February 2024
As part of our Great Western Air Ambulance charity week, we held a cake sale and our very own Great Tuffley Bake Off! We had a tremendous response from our families and found it impossible to choose an outright winner. We were amazed by the creativity of all involved. The cake competition, along with our non-uniform day and the Year Two's sponsored cycle/scooter ride, raised a staggering total of £3120.94. A huge thank-you to all who took part, donated and sponsored. The children are looking forward to presenting the GWAAC team with their cheque very soon.
Safer Internet Week - Smart Workshop
February 2024
During Safer Internet Week, Year One and Year Two worked collaboratively to design their own 'Smart' posters. They earned lots of Opal Power by being creative, all the while thinking about how to stay safe when they are online. They looked at our existing poster and thought about how they could improve it.
Aerospace Bristol
February 2024
All of Year 2 had a wonderful day out at Aerospace Bristol. They enjoyed talking to experts and looking at all of the different planes. They even got to walk around the inside of an old Concorde! The children found information about Amelia Earhart and saw pictures of the Wright Brothers. They all made their own rocket in a workshop and found out what life is like in space.
Robbie and Eddie, the Year Two guinea pigs.
Reading Nook
February 2024
The children and the Guinea Pigs have been enjoying our new 'Book Nook'!
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
January 2024
Richard, from the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity, came to talk to us all about the amazing work all of the air ambulance staff do to help people. We learnt about how they take care of people who are seriously ill or injured, how fast a helicopter can fly and the places they can land. Charlie, the critical care bear, came along to help Richard act out an air ambulance going out on an emergency and looking after someone who needed help. Both the children and adults, were fascinated by the information Richard shared. For example. did you know that it only takes 4 mins for a helicopter to take off after receiving an emergency call? Out of all the counties that the Great Western Air Ambulance covers, Gloucestershire has the most call outs! Hopefully, we will never need them to visit us but it is reassuring to know that they are only a short flight away if we did. We are so grateful for the service they provide that we would like to raise some money to support the work they do. More information on this will follow later on this term.
Winter Glow Disco
January 2024
We had an amazing time with DJ Rossy. We danced to some disco classics, did the conga through the corridors and quickly learnt the moves to 'The Macarena'. By far, the most popular song of the night was George Ezra's, 'Green, Green Grass' which we sang along to very enthusiastically.
PCSO Visit
January 2024
Our local PCSOs came to visit us. They spoke to us in assembly about all of jobs they have to do help us and to keep Tuffley safe. They stayed a little bit longer so that we could all have a good look at their car. We loved the flashing blue lights and trying on some uniform.
Christmas Dance Festival
December 2023
Miss Edwards and Mrs Yates took a group of our children to King's School in Gloucester to perform in the Gloucester Schools' Partnership Dance Festival. They were unfazed, even though they were the youngest there and the first up on stage. They danced exceptionally well and behaved impeccably. We are so very proud of them.
Experience Christmas at St. George's Church
December 2023
Both Years One and Two walked to St.George's Church to learn about the Christian festival of Christmas. Pastor David told us the nativity story and some of us took part in acting out the story. We had the opportunity to get involved in lots of activities around the church to help us remember what is important to Christians and how they prepare for Christmas.
Christmas Fair
December 2023
What a lot of festive fun we had after school on Friday! It was wonderful to see so many of our families join us for our first Christmas event of the year. There were lots of exciting activities and games to take part in, and prizes to be won. We will let you know in due course how the money is used to enrich the children's time in school.
A huge thank you to those who sent in donations; we were overwhelmed by the crafting of the Jingle Jars and your generosity. Thank you also to the parents and staff who manned the stalls and worked behind the scenes, it was a superb team effort.
Year Two History Workshop
November 2023
The children in Year 2 invited their parents to school to come and create their own life timelines with them. They put drawings and photographs in chronological order and wrote captions under their pictures using historical language.
‘Chronology enables pupils to place their learning within the bigger picture and better remember historical people, periods and events. Without chronology, children’s historical understanding will remain limited. Sequencing events such as our own lives, helps children to understand chronology.’
Harewood Hare Logo ~ Polling Day
23rd November 2023
On Thursday, the children took part in their very own polling day to get a taste of democracy in action! They were voting for their favourite 'hare' image to use in our new school logo. They went into their own private voting booth, filled in their ballot paper and posted their paper into the ballot box. Our parents and all of the staff placed their votes, too. Now, we are just waiting to hear what the final count and winning design is.
Year Two ~ Puppet Making
November 2023
The children in Year 2 had a go at designing and making their very own African animal hand puppets. They designed their puppet and then had a very exciting day sewing, cutting and sticking. The children also explored different styles of puppets and thought about puppet shows by the seaside in the Victorian times.
The teachers we very impressed with the determination and Emerald Power the children used. They were also so tolerant when helping each other. Well done, Year 2!!
African Drumming and Dance
November 2023
Kwame came into school to teach Reception and Year One an African Dance. He taught Year Two some African rhythms on his drums. The sound of the African music filtered through our corridors and made us all feel great! Kwame took some time tell us about his life in Africa and compared it to his life here in the UK.
Harewood Heroes
November 2023
After School Clubs have started this November. Our Harewood Heroes have been busy bees! They are keeping our outdoor areas tidy and making sure they look their best. They have lots of ideas on how to improve our site, including planting some bulbs to make our school look beautiful in the Spring.
Cross Country Club
November 2023
The children from Cross Country Club took part in a competition on Wednesday 15th November at Holmleigh Park School. They all did very well and raced against lots of other children. They used lots of Emerald Power and pushed through even when they were tired. They had to run just under a mile.
Well done to all of the Cross Country runners, the teachers are very proud of how well behaved they were whilst they were there!!
Remembrance Day
November 2023
With Remembrance day coming up, the children have been thinking about why people buy and wear poppies. They listened to a story in assembly, have created their own poppy art and every child has created a poppy to add to our whole school display. Some children even created purple poppies to remember the animals.
Afternoon Tea
October 2023
After a busy morning, creating jam and cheese sandwiches, fruit kebabs and scones, we invited our grown-ups in to help us enjoy eating our goodies. Grandparents, parents, carers, Aunties, Uncles and siblings joined us for a delicious afternoon.
Hedgehog Hospital Visitors
October 2023
All year groups had a special assembly presented by some of the people who take care of the hedgehogs that are brought into their hedgehog rescue centre. The children found out all about hedgehogs, their needs and the difficulties they face at this time of year. They heard about how they can care for hedgehogs in their gardens by pegging up football nets so that they don't get caught up, never leaving milk out for them and making sure when lighting bonfires that no hedgehog has set up home in there. Each class then had the opportunity to take part in a 'Hogstacle' race, trying to avoid the problems hedgehogs have every day.
Harewood Lunchtime Monitors
October 2023
Having introduced our new 'Harewood Hare' rules this term, Year Two children have taken on the responsibility of monitoring the corridors at lunchtime to make sure everyone is being 'Safe and Sensible' when moving around the school. A small group of children will keep an eye out for children being a 'Harewood Hare' and have been given the task of awarding a 'Harewood Hare' token to those who are following the school rules. Over the year, the groups will rotate and all of Year Two will have the opportunity to prove that they are responsible and can be trusted to be a lunchtime monitor
Reception Children's First Forest School Session
October 2023
This week, the Reception children in Turquoise, Blue and Lilac classes had their first Forest School session with Mr Whitmore and their class TAs. They had a wonderful time exploring and learning how to stay safe whilst having fun.
Meet Year Two's New Pets
September 2023
Year Two have welcomed Eddie and Robbie the guinea pigs, (named after Edward Jenner and Robert Raikes) into their classrooms. The children are learning to be responsible for looking after them and are all working quietly to keep the classroom calm for their new classmates.
West Midland Safari Park
September 2023
On Friday the 29th September, Year Two set off on safari. They travelled to West Midland Safari Park and had an amazing adventure while spotting the African animals they have been learning about in school.
September 2023
On Monday, Zoolab came to visit us. Reception and Year One met Marmalade the corn snake, Gary the giant snail, Tank the scorpion, Slinky the millipede and Freddie the frog. The children thought about the creatures and how their bodies worked and enabled them to move, find food and stay safe. They also thought about whether they were nocturnal or diurnal. In addition to this, Year Two met a python. Some of the children displayed their emerald power by either holding or touching the animals.
Year 1 & 2 Clubs
The Year 1 and Year 2 children have enjoyed attending some exciting clubs this summer including; running, science, music, coding, construction, art, forest school, bench ball, netball and film clubs.
Nature in Art
Year 2 had a lovely visit to Nature in Art. They enjoyed looking at the sculptures and art installations around the site and loved creating their own pieces of work.
Computing Workshops with Year 1 Parents
To support our teaching of coding in the computing curriculum, we held workshop afternoons for Year 1 parents where they had the opportunity to explore the Scratch Jr. app with their children.
Westonbirt Visit
Our reception and year 1 children had a lovely time at Westonbirt Arboretum and learned lots about trees and plants.
Coronation Day Celebrations
The children celebrated the King's coronation with experiences from the four nations of the UK including making Welsh cakes, playing highland games, Irish dancing and playing cricket. They also had a go at activities linked to each country.
Commemorative Plates - May 2023
The children have been busy making commemorative plates for the King's Coronation.
Learning about democracy - April 2023
Democracy is one of the fundamental, British values that we learn about at school. To mark the King's coronation, we decided to raise some money for charity. The children were given a choice of 4 local charity to choose from and everybody casted their vote to find out which one was the most popular. Teckels - our local dog and cat rescue charity - was chosen, so all proceeds from our fundraising activities will be going to them.
D&T workshops with parents - March 2023
To support our learning about our local area, each year group had a workshop afternoon with parents and used recycled materials to create models of some famous, local buildings.
Year 2 Visit to Gloucester Cathedral - January 2023
Our Year 2 children visited Gloucester Cathedral as part of their learning in history about significant local buildings.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - June 2022
As well as having a 'street party' on the playground, the children also made jubilee flags and learned a special song to mark the occasion.
Please click here to watch a video of the whole school singing.
Victorian Day
June 2024
What an amazing day! The children, and staff, looked wonderful and fully involved themselves in all of the Victorian activities happening around the school. There were traditional games to play, sewing practice to be done and drill to be completed. The children learnt the national anthem, attempted Victorian writing and explored authentic artefacts. They also investigated clothing and produced some beautiful decoupage artwork. It was a busy day and produced some lovely memories that they will remember for a long time.
Year One Coding Workshops
April 2024
Our Year Ones were excited to invite their grown ups into school to work collaboratively and explore the exciting world of coding through using the app, 'Scratch Junior'. The app is free to download on most android and ios devices so you can have fun coding at home too!
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Cheque Presentation
April 2024
Having raised a staggering £3,137.66 for the charity through our dressing up day, cake sale and sponsored scoot event, we were really excited to welcome Richard back into school to give him our cheque. He explained that each flight costs £2,000 so our money was enough to hopefully help save the life of at least one person. Richard brought along two special guests; firstly Stephen, who had been a patient very badly injured in an accident, and rescued by the Great Western Air Ambulance team, who had shown tremendous Emerald Power in his determination to recover and secondly, Charlie Bear (the GWAAC mascot) who created a great amount of excitement when he came into assembly to thank the children.
Springtime Fun
March 2024
Year Two had a very cute reminder that Spring has sprung, even if no one has told the weather just yet! The children spent a fun afternoon meeting the lambs, chicks and ducklings that came to visit them. What a super way to enjoy the end of a busy term!
The Really Wild Reading Festival and World Book Day
February 2024
Everyone had a great time during the Really Wild Reading Festival week and all the children looked brilliant in their cosy clothes on World Book Day! We had lots of fun getting cosy and reading some lovely stories with our friends. Over the course of the week we enjoyed lots of different stories, reading activities and a brilliant book quiz on Friday. The winners of the quiz will be announced soon! We even met the real life authors (either in person or via the wonders of the internet) of some of our favourite books. All the children have come home with a book voucher, don’t forget to visit your local bookshop to spend it.
Pastor David Crunkhurn Assembly
February 2024
Pastor David came along with his puppet dog this week to lead an assembly for the whole school. He told us the Christian story of 'The Creation' and spoke about how our planet was a wonderful gift. He then helped us to think about how we could show our thanks. We decided that leaving litter around was not a kind, 'Ruby Powered' way to look after our planet and that keeping planet Earth clean and tidy was a super way to show how grateful we are.
Charity Cake Competition
February 2024
As part of our Great Western Air Ambulance charity week, we held a cake sale and our very own Great Tuffley Bake Off! We had a tremendous response from our families and found it impossible to choose an outright winner. We were amazed by the creativity of all involved. The cake competition, along with our non-uniform day and the Year Two's sponsored cycle/scooter ride, raised a staggering total of £3120.94. A huge thank-you to all who took part, donated and sponsored. The children are looking forward to presenting the GWAAC team with their cheque very soon.
Safer Internet Week - Smart Workshop
February 2024
During Safer Internet Week, Year One and Year Two worked collaboratively to design their own 'Smart' posters. They earned lots of Opal Power by being creative, all the while thinking about how to stay safe when they are online. They looked at our existing poster and thought about how they could improve it.
Aerospace Bristol
February 2024
All of Year 2 had a wonderful day out at Aerospace Bristol. They enjoyed talking to experts and looking at all of the different planes. They even got to walk around the inside of an old Concorde! The children found information about Amelia Earhart and saw pictures of the Wright Brothers. They all made their own rocket in a workshop and found out what life is like in space.
Robbie and Eddie, the Year Two guinea pigs.
Reading Nook
February 2024
The children and the Guinea Pigs have been enjoying our new 'Book Nook'!
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
January 2024
Richard, from the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity, came to talk to us all about the amazing work all of the air ambulance staff do to help people. We learnt about how they take care of people who are seriously ill or injured, how fast a helicopter can fly and the places they can land. Charlie, the critical care bear, came along to help Richard act out an air ambulance going out on an emergency and looking after someone who needed help. Both the children and adults, were fascinated by the information Richard shared. For example. did you know that it only takes 4 mins for a helicopter to take off after receiving an emergency call? Out of all the counties that the Great Western Air Ambulance covers, Gloucestershire has the most call outs! Hopefully, we will never need them to visit us but it is reassuring to know that they are only a short flight away if we did. We are so grateful for the service they provide that we would like to raise some money to support the work they do. More information on this will follow later on this term.
Winter Glow Disco
January 2024
We had an amazing time with DJ Rossy. We danced to some disco classics, did the conga through the corridors and quickly learnt the moves to 'The Macarena'. By far, the most popular song of the night was George Ezra's, 'Green, Green Grass' which we sang along to very enthusiastically.
PCSO Visit
January 2024
Our local PCSOs came to visit us. They spoke to us in assembly about all of jobs they have to do help us and to keep Tuffley safe. They stayed a little bit longer so that we could all have a good look at their car. We loved the flashing blue lights and trying on some uniform.
Christmas Dance Festival
December 2023
Miss Edwards and Mrs Yates took a group of our children to King's School in Gloucester to perform in the Gloucester Schools' Partnership Dance Festival. They were unfazed, even though they were the youngest there and the first up on stage. They danced exceptionally well and behaved impeccably. We are so very proud of them.
Experience Christmas at St. George's Church
December 2023
Both Years One and Two walked to St.George's Church to learn about the Christian festival of Christmas. Pastor David told us the nativity story and some of us took part in acting out the story. We had the opportunity to get involved in lots of activities around the church to help us remember what is important to Christians and how they prepare for Christmas.
Christmas Fair
December 2023
What a lot of festive fun we had after school on Friday! It was wonderful to see so many of our families join us for our first Christmas event of the year. There were lots of exciting activities and games to take part in, and prizes to be won. We will let you know in due course how the money is used to enrich the children's time in school.
A huge thank you to those who sent in donations; we were overwhelmed by the crafting of the Jingle Jars and your generosity. Thank you also to the parents and staff who manned the stalls and worked behind the scenes, it was a superb team effort.
Year Two History Workshop
November 2023
The children in Year 2 invited their parents to school to come and create their own life timelines with them. They put drawings and photographs in chronological order and wrote captions under their pictures using historical language.
‘Chronology enables pupils to place their learning within the bigger picture and better remember historical people, periods and events. Without chronology, children’s historical understanding will remain limited. Sequencing events such as our own lives, helps children to understand chronology.’
Harewood Hare Logo ~ Polling Day
23rd November 2023
On Thursday, the children took part in their very own polling day to get a taste of democracy in action! They were voting for their favourite 'hare' image to use in our new school logo. They went into their own private voting booth, filled in their ballot paper and posted their paper into the ballot box. Our parents and all of the staff placed their votes, too. Now, we are just waiting to hear what the final count and winning design is.
Year Two ~ Puppet Making
November 2023
The children in Year 2 had a go at designing and making their very own African animal hand puppets. They designed their puppet and then had a very exciting day sewing, cutting and sticking. The children also explored different styles of puppets and thought about puppet shows by the seaside in the Victorian times.
The teachers we very impressed with the determination and Emerald Power the children used. They were also so tolerant when helping each other. Well done, Year 2!!
African Drumming and Dance
November 2023
Kwame came into school to teach Reception and Year One an African Dance. He taught Year Two some African rhythms on his drums. The sound of the African music filtered through our corridors and made us all feel great! Kwame took some time tell us about his life in Africa and compared it to his life here in the UK.
Harewood Heroes
November 2023
After School Clubs have started this November. Our Harewood Heroes have been busy bees! They are keeping our outdoor areas tidy and making sure they look their best. They have lots of ideas on how to improve our site, including planting some bulbs to make our school look beautiful in the Spring.
Cross Country Club
November 2023
The children from Cross Country Club took part in a competition on Wednesday 15th November at Holmleigh Park School. They all did very well and raced against lots of other children. They used lots of Emerald Power and pushed through even when they were tired. They had to run just under a mile.
Well done to all of the Cross Country runners, the teachers are very proud of how well behaved they were whilst they were there!!
Remembrance Day
November 2023
With Remembrance day coming up, the children have been thinking about why people buy and wear poppies. They listened to a story in assembly, have created their own poppy art and every child has created a poppy to add to our whole school display. Some children even created purple poppies to remember the animals.
Afternoon Tea
October 2023
After a busy morning, creating jam and cheese sandwiches, fruit kebabs and scones, we invited our grown-ups in to help us enjoy eating our goodies. Grandparents, parents, carers, Aunties, Uncles and siblings joined us for a delicious afternoon.
Hedgehog Hospital Visitors
October 2023
All year groups had a special assembly presented by some of the people who take care of the hedgehogs that are brought into their hedgehog rescue centre. The children found out all about hedgehogs, their needs and the difficulties they face at this time of year. They heard about how they can care for hedgehogs in their gardens by pegging up football nets so that they don't get caught up, never leaving milk out for them and making sure when lighting bonfires that no hedgehog has set up home in there. Each class then had the opportunity to take part in a 'Hogstacle' race, trying to avoid the problems hedgehogs have every day.
Harewood Lunchtime Monitors
October 2023
Having introduced our new 'Harewood Hare' rules this term, Year Two children have taken on the responsibility of monitoring the corridors at lunchtime to make sure everyone is being 'Safe and Sensible' when moving around the school. A small group of children will keep an eye out for children being a 'Harewood Hare' and have been given the task of awarding a 'Harewood Hare' token to those who are following the school rules. Over the year, the groups will rotate and all of Year Two will have the opportunity to prove that they are responsible and can be trusted to be a lunchtime monitor
Reception Children's First Forest School Session
October 2023
This week, the Reception children in Turquoise, Blue and Lilac classes had their first Forest School session with Mr Whitmore and their class TAs. They had a wonderful time exploring and learning how to stay safe whilst having fun.
Meet Year Two's New Pets
September 2023
Year Two have welcomed Eddie and Robbie the guinea pigs, (named after Edward Jenner and Robert Raikes) into their classrooms. The children are learning to be responsible for looking after them and are all working quietly to keep the classroom calm for their new classmates.
West Midland Safari Park
September 2023
On Friday the 29th September, Year Two set off on safari. They travelled to West Midland Safari Park and had an amazing adventure while spotting the African animals they have been learning about in school.
September 2023
On Monday, Zoolab came to visit us. Reception and Year One met Marmalade the corn snake, Gary the giant snail, Tank the scorpion, Slinky the millipede and Freddie the frog. The children thought about the creatures and how their bodies worked and enabled them to move, find food and stay safe. They also thought about whether they were nocturnal or diurnal. In addition to this, Year Two met a python. Some of the children displayed their emerald power by either holding or touching the animals.
Year 1 & 2 Clubs
The Year 1 and Year 2 children have enjoyed attending some exciting clubs this summer including; running, science, music, coding, construction, art, forest school, bench ball, netball and film clubs.
Nature in Art
Year 2 had a lovely visit to Nature in Art. They enjoyed looking at the sculptures and art installations around the site and loved creating their own pieces of work.
Computing Workshops with Year 1 Parents
To support our teaching of coding in the computing curriculum, we held workshop afternoons for Year 1 parents where they had the opportunity to explore the Scratch Jr. app with their children.
Westonbirt Visit
Our reception and year 1 children had a lovely time at Westonbirt Arboretum and learned lots about trees and plants.
Coronation Day Celebrations
The children celebrated the King's coronation with experiences from the four nations of the UK including making Welsh cakes, playing highland games, Irish dancing and playing cricket. They also had a go at activities linked to each country.
Commemorative Plates - May 2023
The children have been busy making commemorative plates for the King's Coronation.
Learning about democracy - April 2023
Democracy is one of the fundamental, British values that we learn about at school. To mark the King's coronation, we decided to raise some money for charity. The children were given a choice of 4 local charity to choose from and everybody casted their vote to find out which one was the most popular. Teckels - our local dog and cat rescue charity - was chosen, so all proceeds from our fundraising activities will be going to them.
D&T workshops with parents - March 2023
To support our learning about our local area, each year group had a workshop afternoon with parents and used recycled materials to create models of some famous, local buildings.
Year 2 Visit to Gloucester Cathedral - January 2023
Our Year 2 children visited Gloucester Cathedral as part of their learning in history about significant local buildings.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - June 2022
As well as having a 'street party' on the playground, the children also made jubilee flags and learned a special song to mark the occasion.
Please click here to watch a video of the whole school singing.
Victorian Day
June 2024
What an amazing day! The children, and staff, looked wonderful and fully involved themselves in all of the Victorian activities happening around the school. There were traditional games to play, sewing practice to be done and drill to be completed. The children learnt the national anthem, attempted Victorian writing and explored authentic artefacts. They also investigated clothing and produced some beautiful decoupage artwork. It was a busy day and produced some lovely memories that they will remember for a long time.
Year One Coding Workshops
April 2024
Our Year Ones were excited to invite their grown ups into school to work collaboratively and explore the exciting world of coding through using the app, 'Scratch Junior'. The app is free to download on most android and ios devices so you can have fun coding at home too!
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Cheque Presentation
April 2024
Having raised a staggering £3,137.66 for the charity through our dressing up day, cake sale and sponsored scoot event, we were really excited to welcome Richard back into school to give him our cheque. He explained that each flight costs £2,000 so our money was enough to hopefully help save the life of at least one person. Richard brought along two special guests; firstly Stephen, who had been a patient very badly injured in an accident, and rescued by the Great Western Air Ambulance team, who had shown tremendous Emerald Power in his determination to recover and secondly, Charlie Bear (the GWAAC mascot) who created a great amount of excitement when he came into assembly to thank the children.
Springtime Fun
March 2024
Year Two had a very cute reminder that Spring has sprung, even if no one has told the weather just yet! The children spent a fun afternoon meeting the lambs, chicks and ducklings that came to visit them. What a super way to enjoy the end of a busy term!
The Really Wild Reading Festival and World Book Day
February 2024
Everyone had a great time during the Really Wild Reading Festival week and all the children looked brilliant in their cosy clothes on World Book Day! We had lots of fun getting cosy and reading some lovely stories with our friends. Over the course of the week we enjoyed lots of different stories, reading activities and a brilliant book quiz on Friday. The winners of the quiz will be announced soon! We even met the real life authors (either in person or via the wonders of the internet) of some of our favourite books. All the children have come home with a book voucher, don’t forget to visit your local bookshop to spend it.
Pastor David Crunkhurn Assembly
February 2024
Pastor David came along with his puppet dog this week to lead an assembly for the whole school. He told us the Christian story of 'The Creation' and spoke about how our planet was a wonderful gift. He then helped us to think about how we could show our thanks. We decided that leaving litter around was not a kind, 'Ruby Powered' way to look after our planet and that keeping planet Earth clean and tidy was a super way to show how grateful we are.
Charity Cake Competition
February 2024
As part of our Great Western Air Ambulance charity week, we held a cake sale and our very own Great Tuffley Bake Off! We had a tremendous response from our families and found it impossible to choose an outright winner. We were amazed by the creativity of all involved. The cake competition, along with our non-uniform day and the Year Two's sponsored cycle/scooter ride, raised a staggering total of £3120.94. A huge thank-you to all who took part, donated and sponsored. The children are looking forward to presenting the GWAAC team with their cheque very soon.
Safer Internet Week - Smart Workshop
February 2024
During Safer Internet Week, Year One and Year Two worked collaboratively to design their own 'Smart' posters. They earned lots of Opal Power by being creative, all the while thinking about how to stay safe when they are online. They looked at our existing poster and thought about how they could improve it.
Aerospace Bristol
February 2024
All of Year 2 had a wonderful day out at Aerospace Bristol. They enjoyed talking to experts and looking at all of the different planes. They even got to walk around the inside of an old Concorde! The children found information about Amelia Earhart and saw pictures of the Wright Brothers. They all made their own rocket in a workshop and found out what life is like in space.
Robbie and Eddie, the Year Two guinea pigs.
Reading Nook
February 2024
The children and the Guinea Pigs have been enjoying our new 'Book Nook'!
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
January 2024
Richard, from the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity, came to talk to us all about the amazing work all of the air ambulance staff do to help people. We learnt about how they take care of people who are seriously ill or injured, how fast a helicopter can fly and the places they can land. Charlie, the critical care bear, came along to help Richard act out an air ambulance going out on an emergency and looking after someone who needed help. Both the children and adults, were fascinated by the information Richard shared. For example. did you know that it only takes 4 mins for a helicopter to take off after receiving an emergency call? Out of all the counties that the Great Western Air Ambulance covers, Gloucestershire has the most call outs! Hopefully, we will never need them to visit us but it is reassuring to know that they are only a short flight away if we did. We are so grateful for the service they provide that we would like to raise some money to support the work they do. More information on this will follow later on this term.
Winter Glow Disco
January 2024
We had an amazing time with DJ Rossy. We danced to some disco classics, did the conga through the corridors and quickly learnt the moves to 'The Macarena'. By far, the most popular song of the night was George Ezra's, 'Green, Green Grass' which we sang along to very enthusiastically.
PCSO Visit
January 2024
Our local PCSOs came to visit us. They spoke to us in assembly about all of jobs they have to do help us and to keep Tuffley safe. They stayed a little bit longer so that we could all have a good look at their car. We loved the flashing blue lights and trying on some uniform.
Christmas Dance Festival
December 2023
Miss Edwards and Mrs Yates took a group of our children to King's School in Gloucester to perform in the Gloucester Schools' Partnership Dance Festival. They were unfazed, even though they were the youngest there and the first up on stage. They danced exceptionally well and behaved impeccably. We are so very proud of them.
Experience Christmas at St. George's Church
December 2023
Both Years One and Two walked to St.George's Church to learn about the Christian festival of Christmas. Pastor David told us the nativity story and some of us took part in acting out the story. We had the opportunity to get involved in lots of activities around the church to help us remember what is important to Christians and how they prepare for Christmas.
Christmas Fair
December 2023
What a lot of festive fun we had after school on Friday! It was wonderful to see so many of our families join us for our first Christmas event of the year. There were lots of exciting activities and games to take part in, and prizes to be won. We will let you know in due course how the money is used to enrich the children's time in school.
A huge thank you to those who sent in donations; we were overwhelmed by the crafting of the Jingle Jars and your generosity. Thank you also to the parents and staff who manned the stalls and worked behind the scenes, it was a superb team effort.
Year Two History Workshop
November 2023
The children in Year 2 invited their parents to school to come and create their own life timelines with them. They put drawings and photographs in chronological order and wrote captions under their pictures using historical language.
‘Chronology enables pupils to place their learning within the bigger picture and better remember historical people, periods and events. Without chronology, children’s historical understanding will remain limited. Sequencing events such as our own lives, helps children to understand chronology.’
Harewood Hare Logo ~ Polling Day
23rd November 2023
On Thursday, the children took part in their very own polling day to get a taste of democracy in action! They were voting for their favourite 'hare' image to use in our new school logo. They went into their own private voting booth, filled in their ballot paper and posted their paper into the ballot box. Our parents and all of the staff placed their votes, too. Now, we are just waiting to hear what the final count and winning design is.
Year Two ~ Puppet Making
November 2023
The children in Year 2 had a go at designing and making their very own African animal hand puppets. They designed their puppet and then had a very exciting day sewing, cutting and sticking. The children also explored different styles of puppets and thought about puppet shows by the seaside in the Victorian times.
The teachers we very impressed with the determination and Emerald Power the children used. They were also so tolerant when helping each other. Well done, Year 2!!
African Drumming and Dance
November 2023
Kwame came into school to teach Reception and Year One an African Dance. He taught Year Two some African rhythms on his drums. The sound of the African music filtered through our corridors and made us all feel great! Kwame took some time tell us about his life in Africa and compared it to his life here in the UK.
Harewood Heroes
November 2023
After School Clubs have started this November. Our Harewood Heroes have been busy bees! They are keeping our outdoor areas tidy and making sure they look their best. They have lots of ideas on how to improve our site, including planting some bulbs to make our school look beautiful in the Spring.
Cross Country Club
November 2023
The children from Cross Country Club took part in a competition on Wednesday 15th November at Holmleigh Park School. They all did very well and raced against lots of other children. They used lots of Emerald Power and pushed through even when they were tired. They had to run just under a mile.
Well done to all of the Cross Country runners, the teachers are very proud of how well behaved they were whilst they were there!!
Remembrance Day
November 2023
With Remembrance day coming up, the children have been thinking about why people buy and wear poppies. They listened to a story in assembly, have created their own poppy art and every child has created a poppy to add to our whole school display. Some children even created purple poppies to remember the animals.
Afternoon Tea
October 2023
After a busy morning, creating jam and cheese sandwiches, fruit kebabs and scones, we invited our grown-ups in to help us enjoy eating our goodies. Grandparents, parents, carers, Aunties, Uncles and siblings joined us for a delicious afternoon.
Hedgehog Hospital Visitors
October 2023
All year groups had a special assembly presented by some of the people who take care of the hedgehogs that are brought into their hedgehog rescue centre. The children found out all about hedgehogs, their needs and the difficulties they face at this time of year. They heard about how they can care for hedgehogs in their gardens by pegging up football nets so that they don't get caught up, never leaving milk out for them and making sure when lighting bonfires that no hedgehog has set up home in there. Each class then had the opportunity to take part in a 'Hogstacle' race, trying to avoid the problems hedgehogs have every day.
Harewood Lunchtime Monitors
October 2023
Having introduced our new 'Harewood Hare' rules this term, Year Two children have taken on the responsibility of monitoring the corridors at lunchtime to make sure everyone is being 'Safe and Sensible' when moving around the school. A small group of children will keep an eye out for children being a 'Harewood Hare' and have been given the task of awarding a 'Harewood Hare' token to those who are following the school rules. Over the year, the groups will rotate and all of Year Two will have the opportunity to prove that they are responsible and can be trusted to be a lunchtime monitor
Reception Children's First Forest School Session
October 2023
This week, the Reception children in Turquoise, Blue and Lilac classes had their first Forest School session with Mr Whitmore and their class TAs. They had a wonderful time exploring and learning how to stay safe whilst having fun.
Meet Year Two's New Pets
September 2023
Year Two have welcomed Eddie and Robbie the guinea pigs, (named after Edward Jenner and Robert Raikes) into their classrooms. The children are learning to be responsible for looking after them and are all working quietly to keep the classroom calm for their new classmates.
West Midland Safari Park
September 2023
On Friday the 29th September, Year Two set off on safari. They travelled to West Midland Safari Park and had an amazing adventure while spotting the African animals they have been learning about in school.
September 2023
On Monday, Zoolab came to visit us. Reception and Year One met Marmalade the corn snake, Gary the giant snail, Tank the scorpion, Slinky the millipede and Freddie the frog. The children thought about the creatures and how their bodies worked and enabled them to move, find food and stay safe. They also thought about whether they were nocturnal or diurnal. In addition to this, Year Two met a python. Some of the children displayed their emerald power by either holding or touching the animals.
Year 1 & 2 Clubs
The Year 1 and Year 2 children have enjoyed attending some exciting clubs this summer including; running, science, music, coding, construction, art, forest school, bench ball, netball and film clubs.
Nature in Art
Year 2 had a lovely visit to Nature in Art. They enjoyed looking at the sculptures and art installations around the site and loved creating their own pieces of work.
Computing Workshops with Year 1 Parents
To support our teaching of coding in the computing curriculum, we held workshop afternoons for Year 1 parents where they had the opportunity to explore the Scratch Jr. app with their children.
Westonbirt Visit
Our reception and year 1 children had a lovely time at Westonbirt Arboretum and learned lots about trees and plants.
Coronation Day Celebrations
The children celebrated the King's coronation with experiences from the four nations of the UK including making Welsh cakes, playing highland games, Irish dancing and playing cricket. They also had a go at activities linked to each country.
Commemorative Plates - May 2023
The children have been busy making commemorative plates for the King's Coronation.
Learning about democracy - April 2023
Democracy is one of the fundamental, British values that we learn about at school. To mark the King's coronation, we decided to raise some money for charity. The children were given a choice of 4 local charity to choose from and everybody casted their vote to find out which one was the most popular. Teckels - our local dog and cat rescue charity - was chosen, so all proceeds from our fundraising activities will be going to them.
D&T workshops with parents - March 2023
To support our learning about our local area, each year group had a workshop afternoon with parents and used recycled materials to create models of some famous, local buildings.
Year 2 Visit to Gloucester Cathedral - January 2023
Our Year 2 children visited Gloucester Cathedral as part of their learning in history about significant local buildings.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - June 2022
As well as having a 'street party' on the playground, the children also made jubilee flags and learned a special song to mark the occasion.
Please click here to watch a video of the whole school singing.