Reading & phonics

Summary of our intent, implementation and impact

Harewood Infant School is proud to be a Read Write Inc. school. We teach the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme in Reception and Year 1. Year 2 pupils progress to Read Write Inc. Spelling.                                       

Read Write Inc. adopts a consistent whole-school approach to teaching reading and spelling.

Careful assessment, focused teaching and individual support when necessary ensure the best possible progress for every child. 


For information and tutorials on how to support your child as they learn to read click here.


The Oxford Owl website, which we use during our phonics sessions, features over 200 ebooks for you to read at home. You simply create a free account and you're ready to go! Press here for more information or to try it out. They are even tablet friendly! 


Here are our suggestions for books for you to enjoy at home with your child. 

Pre-school recommended reading lists

EYFS and Key Stage 1 recommended reading lists